Letters of support for funding for a satellite South towns campus

March 28, 2022
Fellow FFECC members,
Please find attached letters of support for funding for a satellite South towns campus. The proposal includes a one-time capital funding earmark of 25 million. NYSUT President Andy Pallotta, Alithia Rodrigues-Rolon (NYSUT Director of legislation) and I have been tirelessly working directly with several NYS Senators their staffs and the Governor's office to secure these dollars. This is an attempt to maintain access for students in the South Towns as well as maintaining some higher enrolled programs. These dollars if approved will save FFECC jobs!!!
The College President and the County Executive have both signed off on this potential funding. Please remember that this request for capitol would not have been possible without our State Union and our Political action activities. This fight is not over either way there will be much more to be done.
Andrew Sako
President, Faculty Federation of Erie Community College