Wonderful evening honoring FFECC retiree's
The FFECC held a wonderful celebration at Curly's grille on May 13th to honor the following retiree's.
Kenneth Duke - CITS
Maryann Justinger - Math
Anthony Kuroski - Math
John Kutlak - CADD Technology
John Lenahan - Dental Lab Technology
James Lydon - Computer repair Technology
Dolores Maue - Math
Sonja Miller - CLT/MA
Frank Mustillo - Automotive Technology
Wayne O'Sullivan - Social Science
Raymond Pawelczak - Automotive Technology
Richard Robison Jr. - English
Donna Smolinski - Dental Hygiene
Edward Szczepanski - Automotive Technology
Barb Vickers - Nursing
Frank Zeczak - Respiratory Care
Additional images are available on the gallery tab.